The Village Web Company maintenance package was designed for existing clients, who would like me to continue looking after their websites, after their initial period of free web hosting and support.
The website maintenance package starts from only £15.00 per month. It can be paid annually or on a rolling monthly contract. It covers the cost of your web hosting, which keeps your website on the internet and also factors in time for the necessary maintenance tasks your website needs to avoid problems.
- Web Hosting
- SSL Security Certificate
- Security firewall software and response to security threats
- Software Updates
- Email hosting (for clients that don’t manage their emails elsewhere)
- Regular website back ups and storage
- Annual Web Domain Renewal (For clients with domains provided by Village Web Company)
- Full customer service & tech support with no additional costs or hidden fees.
Lots of people build websites and then leave you to look after them. I made a conscious decision to do the opposite. There is nothing wrong with having your website built by a developer that doesn’t offer ongoing support, but the reality is that the majority of websites need to be updated from time to time. It helps them run smoothly and protects your business from the dark side of the internet. People often think that when a new website goes live that they don’t need to do anything else, but sadly once your website is launched, that’s the moment that it becomes vulnerable.
Over the years I have helped lots of clients with websites that were built by people, that they can’t get hold of when they have a problem or need to make changes. Keeping costs down is often a great idea, but can lead to problems. If your website was built by your next door neighbour’s cousin’s nephew for his coursework, when your website needs updating or if a hacker tries to brute force their way into your website, are they going to be able to deal with it?
Prevention is better, and usually cheaper, than a cure, so ensuring that your website is kept secure and regularly updated is an easy way to help you avoid expensive problems that can damage your business.
The website maintenance package makes sure that your website is always taken care of and lets you focus on running your business, safe in the knowledge that I’m here in the background keeping your site safe and secure.
If you’d like more information about any of my website packages, please get in touch for a no obligation chat.